We're now supporting the BMC's Mend our Mountains campaign!

This month, 10% of anything and everything you spend online on our yummy yummy camping meals will go to supporting the BMC's Mend our Mountains campaign.

Anyone looking at this sight knows the joy and freedom of the outdoors.

We all love and appreciate the beauty and the challenges of the natural world, and I can't imagine any of us like to see it go.

The BMC are working hard to heal our beautiful British hills so that our wandering footsteps can continue to enjoy our priceless countryside.

Paths does not come cheaply though - the cost of skilled labour and of carting materials to remote areas adds up quicker than we might like to think.

So, on May 8th we'll be donating 10% of everything you've spent on our site between now (23rd March) and then (8th May) to their crowdfunding campaign.

Thank you all for your support,

Jess and the team at TentMeals


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