The Company
We love being outdoors. We love camping and adventuring. And we love feeling great.
That's why we've made TentMeals. No faff, no hassle, no nasty additives - just high energy health when you most need it.
In precise 800 kcal and 500 kcal packs with heaps of complex carbs, protein and fibre from natural ingredients, TentMeals are the ultimate recovery food after a tough day outdoors.
We believe that to perform well, you have to feel well. And what better way to feel good than after a hearty, healthy meal to get your muscles firing again?
Founded in 2014, TentMeals has been working hard to fill the gap for a healthy and practical camping meal. Originally thought of while cycle touring through the depths of Alaska, we completely understand the need for a meal that's high energy, lightweight and instant, but also tasty and nutritious. Over the last few years we've tested and improved our recipes and packaging over and over again to bring you exactly this. We're now happy and proud to be selling 9 delicious expedition meals, all in 2 different sizes, as well as plenty of snacks and ingredients to keep you fuelled.
Of course the story does not end here - new recipes are always underway, as our improvements to our existing meals to make them even tastier, healthier, and easier to use.
Suggestions and feedback are always welcome so please do contact us with any thoughts you'd like to share :-)